Seitz: 144. Genus: Heliura Btlr. Extremely near to the next genus, distinguished chiefly by the middle radial of the hindwing rising from above the lower cell-angle, and by the absence of the hairing on the abdominal base and sides. The upper median vein of the forewing always rises distinctly below the cell-angle, the lower radial veins from it or also on a short pedicle, the upper radial distinctly from below the upper cell-angle. The cell of the hindwing is long, the upper median vein with the lower radial come from the lower cell-angle always distinctly petioled, the 1st radial and the subcostal vein rise unpetioled from the upper cell-angle. The species partly greatly resemble Eucereon-species, a small part of them, however, looks most remarkably different. Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Key: - HW Cu2 well before cell angle - HW M2 present - Abdomen with 2nd segment not constricted - Antenna shaft not fringed with hair - Abdomen without lateral tufts - FW with Cu1, Cu2 from cell, M3 from lower angle - Palpi upturned, 3rd joint erect - HW with M2 from above cell angle - HW R and M1 from cell, rarely very shortly stalked - HW Cu1 and M3 stalked - FW R2 stalked with R5,4,3